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    Call local housecleaning and maid services to find out what they charge customers for their services. You can do this by asking directly what they charge per hour, or asking them to estimate the cost of cleaning your own home. Once you know the rates of several competitors, add the numbers together and divide by the total number of rates to get an average. The average cost for a small 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom apartment cleaning is $75 for standard cleaning and $110 for a move out clean. For a large 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom apartment cleaning, prices start at $135 for standard cleaning, and go up to $180 or more for a deep or move out clean. Get free estimates from apartment cleaners near you. Truck Driver An individual house cleaner offers basic cleaning services like dusting, vacuuming, mopping, wiping down counters, and tidying the main living areas. While this costs less than hiring a professional company, a private house cleaner may not be bonded and insured. And if you need additional services, you’d have to look elsewhere for your specific needs. We’ll give an immediate price quote so you can enjoy your time rather than worry about the mess. Our cleaning crews are professionally trained, and if you’re ever unhappy with any area we’ve cleaned, we’ll return the next day and reclean it. We as a company are committed to using cleaning products that are environmentally responsible, sustainable, and safe for the Earth. Contacting The Cleaning Authority – North Miami During the COVID-19 Crisis – Click Here to Learn More We’ll give an immediate price quote so you can enjoy your time rather than worry about the mess. Contacting The Cleaning Authority – Cincinnati During the COVID-19 Crisis – Click Here to Learn More Contacting The Cleaning Authority – Spokane During the COVID-19 Crisis – Click Here to Learn More

    #6012 Reply

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